On Fri, 19 Sep 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

Well, there are certain things that --enable-cassert turns on that are outrageously expensive...I don't think anyone knows what the performance impact of just the regular Asserts is; it's been too long since these other things were stuck in there.

The next time I'm doing some performance testing I'll try to quantify how much damage the expensive ones do by playing with pg_config_manual.h. Normally I'm testing with 1GB+ of shared_buffers which makes the current assert scheme unusable. If I could run with asserts on only only lose a small amount of performance just by disabling the clobber and context checking, that would be valuable to know. Right now I waste a fair amount of time running performance and assert builds in parallel.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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