Ron Mayer wrote:
Ron Mayer wrote:
 > Tom Lane wrote:
 >> In fact, given that we are now
 >> somewhat SQL-compliant on interval input, a GUC that selected
 >> PG traditional, SQL-standard, or ISO 8601 interval output format seems
 >> like it could be a good idea.

Attached are updated versions of the Interval patches ...

# Patch 2:
   ISO 8601 Formatted Interval Input and Output

   This patch adds another IntervalStyle 'iso_8601' to output ISO 8601
   Time Intervals of the "format with designators". These are a bit
   more flexible than Sql Standard intervals in that (like postgres)
   they can express both years and days in the same interval value.

   Reason for the patch:SQL Standard Intervals are limited compared to
   postgres in what they allow (no mixed year-month and day-time
   components). ISO8601 intervals allow such intervals and are easier
   for machines to parse than the traditional postgres formats.

   This patch depends on the IntervalStyle patch mentioned above.
*** a/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml
*** 1975,1980 **** January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST
--- 1975,1996 ----
+       Alternatively, <type>interval</type> values can be written as 
+       ISO 8601 time intervals, using the "Format with time-unit designators",
+       or PnYnMnDTnHnMnS.   This format always starts with the character 
+       <literal>'P'</>, followed by a string of values followed by single
+       character time-unit designators.  A <literal>'T'</> separates the 
+       date and time parts of the interval.
+       In this format, <literal>'n'</> gets replaced by a number, and 
+        <literal>Y</> represents years, 
+        <literal>M</> (in the date part) months,
+        <literal>D</> months,
+        <literal>H</> hours,
+        <literal>M</> (in the time part) minutes,
+        and <literal>S</> seconds.
+      </para>
+      <para>
        Internally <type>interval</> values are stored as months, days,
        and seconds. This is done because the number of days in a month
        varies, and a day can have 23 or 25 hours if a daylight savings
*** 2224,2230 **** January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST
       The output format of the interval types can be set to one of the
!      three styles <literal>sql_standard</>, 
       <literal>postgres</>, or <literal>postgres_verbose</>.
       The default is the <literal>postgres</> format.  
--- 2240,2246 ----
       The output format of the interval types can be set to one of the
!      four styles <literal>sql_standard</>, <literal>iso_8601</>, 
       <literal>postgres</>, or <literal>postgres_verbose</>.
       The default is the <literal>postgres</> format.  
*** 2244,2249 **** January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST
--- 2260,2281 ----
+      The <literal>iso_8601</> style will output ISO 8601 
+      time intervals using the "format with time-unit designators"
+      This format always starts with the character 
+       <literal>'P'</>, followed by a string of values followed by single
+       character time-unit designators.  A <literal>'T'</> separates the 
+       date and time parts of the interval.
+       In this format, <literal>'n'</> gets replaced by a number, and 
+        <literal>Y</> represents years, 
+        <literal>M</> (in the date part) months,
+        <literal>D</> months,
+        <literal>H</> hours,
+        <literal>M</> (in the time part) minutes,
+        and <literal>S</> seconds.
+     </para>
+     <para>
       The <literal>postgres</> style will output intervals that match
       the style PostgreSQL 8.3 outputed when the <xref linkend="guc-datestyle">
       parameter was set to <literal>ISO</>.
*** 2274,2279 **** January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST
--- 2306,2317 ----
  		  <entry>-1-2 +3 -4:05:06</entry>
+ 		  <entry>iso_8601</entry>
+ 		  <entry>P1Y2M</entry>
+ 		  <entry>P3DT4H5M6</entry>
+ 		  <entry>P-1Y-2M3DT-4H-5M-6</entry>
+ 		 </row>
+ 		 <row>
  		  <entry>1 year 2 mons</entry>
  		  <entry>3 days 04:05:06</entry>
*** a/src/backend/commands/variable.c
--- b/src/backend/commands/variable.c
*** 248,253 **** assign_intervalstyle(const char *value, bool doit, GucSource source)
--- 248,257 ----
  		newIntervalStyle = INTSTYLE_SQL_STANDARD;
+ 	else if (pg_strcasecmp(value, "iso_8601") == 0)
+ 	{
+ 		newIntervalStyle = INTSTYLE_ISO_8601;
+ 	}
*** a/src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c
*** 2723,2728 **** DecodeSpecial(int field, char *lowtoken, int *val)
--- 2723,2865 ----
+ /*
+  * Small helper functions to avoid cut&paste code in DecodeIso8601Interval
+  */
+ static void 
+ adjust_fractional_seconds(double fval,struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec, int scale)
+ {
+ 	int	sec;
+ 	if (fval == 0) return;
+ 	fval       *= scale;
+ 	sec	        = fval;
+ 	tm->tm_sec += sec;
+ 	*fsec      += rint((fval - sec) * 1000000);
+ #else
+ 	*fsec      += (fval - sec);
+ #endif
+ }
+ static void 
+ adjust_fractional_days(double fval,struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec, int scale)
+ {
+ 	int	extra_days;
+ 	if (fval == 0) return;
+ 	fval        *= scale;
+ 	extra_days   = fval;
+ 	tm->tm_mday += extra_days;
+ 	fval        -= extra_days;
+ 	adjust_fractional_seconds(fval,tm,fsec, SECS_PER_DAY);
+ }
+ /* DecodeISO8601Interval()
+  *  Decode an ISO 8601 "Representation of time-interval by
+  *  duration only.... basic extended format" from ISO 8601 section 
+  *
+  *  Examples:  P1D  for 1 day
+  *             PT1H for 1 hour
+  *             P2Y6M7DT1H30M for 2 years, 6 months, 7 days 1 hour 30 min
+  *
+  *  Returns DTERR_BAD_FORMAT if the field is not of this type.
+  *
+  *  A couple exceptions from the spec: 
+  *   - a week field ('W') may coexist with other units
+  *   - allows decimals in fields other than the least significant unit.
+  */
+ int
+ DecodeISO8601Interval(char *str, struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec) 
+ {
+ 	char    unit;
+ 	int		val;
+ 	double	fval;
+ 	int		datepart = true;
+ 	int		negative = false;
+ 	tm->tm_year = 0;
+ 	tm->tm_mon = 0;
+ 	tm->tm_mday = 0;
+ 	tm->tm_hour = 0;
+ 	tm->tm_min = 0;
+ 	tm->tm_sec = 0;
+ 	*fsec = 0;
+ 	if (strlen(str)<3 || !(str[0] == 'P'))
+ 	{
+ 		return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
+ 	}
+ 	str++;
+ 	while (*str)
+ 	{
+ 		if (*str == 'T') /* T indicates the beginning of the time part */
+ 		{
+ 			datepart = false;
+ 			str++;
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		if (! (isdigit(*str) || *str == '-' || *str=='.') )
+ 			return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
+ 		negative = (*str == '-');
+ 		fval     = strtod(str, &str);
+ 		val		 = fval;
+ 		fval     = fval - val;
+ 		unit	 = *str;
+ 		str++;
+ 		if (datepart)
+ 		{
+ 			switch (unit) /* Y M D W */
+ 			{
+ 				case 'D':
+ 					tm->tm_mday += val;
+ 					adjust_fractional_seconds(fval,tm,fsec, SECS_PER_DAY);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 'W':
+ 					tm->tm_mday += val * 7;
+ 					adjust_fractional_days(fval,tm,fsec,7);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 'M':
+ 					tm->tm_mon += val;
+ 					adjust_fractional_days(fval,tm,fsec,DAYS_PER_MONTH);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 'Y':
+ 					tm->tm_year += val;
+ 					if (fval != 0)
+ 						tm->tm_mon += (fval * 12);
+ 					break;
+ 				default:
+ 					return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;  /* not a vald ISO8601 date unit prefix */
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 			switch (unit) /* H M S */
+ 			{
+ 				case 'S':
+ 					tm->tm_sec += val;
+ 					adjust_fractional_seconds(fval,tm,fsec,1);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 'M':
+ 					tm->tm_min += val;
+ 					adjust_fractional_seconds(fval,tm,fsec,SECS_PER_MINUTE);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 'H':
+ 					tm->tm_hour += val;
+ 					adjust_fractional_seconds(fval,tm,fsec,SECS_PER_HOUR);
+ 					break;
+ 				default:
+ 					return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;  /* not a vald ISO8601 time unit prefix */
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
  /* DecodeInterval()
   * Interpret previously parsed fields for general time interval.
   * Returns 0 if successful, DTERR code if bogus input detected.
*** 3621,3648 **** EncodeDateTime(struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t fsec, int *tzp, char **tzn, int style,
  	return TRUE;
! /*
!  * Small helper funciton to avoid copy&paste in EncodeInterval below
  static void
! AppendSeconds(char * cp,int sec, fsec_t fsec)
  	if (fsec==0) 
! 		sprintf(cp, "%02d", abs(sec));
! 		sprintf(cp, "%02d.%06d", sec, Abs(fsec));
! 		sprintf(cp, "%012.9f", fabs(sec + fsec));
  /* EncodeInterval()
   * Interpret time structure as a delta time and convert to string.
--- 3758,3795 ----
  	return TRUE;
! /* 
!  * Small helper functions to avoid cut&paste in EncodeInterval below
+ static char * 
+ AddISO8601IntervalPart(char * cp, int value, char units) 
+ {
+     if (value==0) return cp;
+     return cp + sprintf(cp,"%d%c",value,units);
+ }
  static void
! AppendSeconds(char * cp,int sec, fsec_t fsec, bool fillzeros)
  	if (fsec==0) 
! 		sprintf(cp, fillzeros ? "%02d" : "%d" , abs(sec));
! 		sprintf(cp, fillzeros ? "%02d.%06d" : "%d.%06d", abs(sec), abs(fsec));
! 		sprintf(cp, fillzeros ? "%09.6f" : "%.6f", fabs(sec + fsec));
  /* EncodeInterval()
   * Interpret time structure as a delta time and convert to string.
*** 3734,3740 **** EncodeInterval(struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t fsec, int style, char *str)
! 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec);
  			else if (has_year_month)
--- 3881,3887 ----
! 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec,true);
  			else if (has_year_month)
*** 3743,3758 **** EncodeInterval(struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t fsec, int style, char *str)
  			else if (has_day)
  				cp += sprintf(cp,"%d %d:%02d:",mday,hour,min);
! 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec);
  				cp += sprintf(cp,"%d:%02d:",hour,min);
! 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec);
  		/* compatible with postgresql 8.3 when DateStyle = 'iso' */
  			if (tm->tm_year != 0)
--- 3890,3932 ----
  			else if (has_day)
  				cp += sprintf(cp,"%d %d:%02d:",mday,hour,min);
! 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec,true);
  				cp += sprintf(cp,"%d:%02d:",hour,min);
! 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec,true);
+         /* ISO 8601 "time-intervals by duration only */
+ 		case INTSTYLE_ISO_8601:
+ 			if ((year == 0) && (mon == 0) && (mday == 0) && 
+ 			    (hour == 0) && (min == 0) && (sec  == 0) && (fsec == 0))
+ 			{
+ 				sprintf(cp,"PT0S");
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 			cp += sprintf(cp,"P");
+ 			cp = AddISO8601IntervalPart(cp,year,'Y');
+ 			cp = AddISO8601IntervalPart(cp,mon ,'M');
+ 			cp = AddISO8601IntervalPart(cp,mday,'D');
+ 			if ((hour != 0) || (min != 0) || (sec != 0) || (fsec != 0))
+ 			{
+ 			    cp += sprintf(cp,"T");
+ 			}
+ 			cp = AddISO8601IntervalPart(cp,hour,'H');
+ 			cp = AddISO8601IntervalPart(cp,min ,'M');
+ 			if ((sec != 0) || (fsec != 0))
+ 			{
+ 				cp += sprintf(cp, "%s", (sec<0 || fsec<0) ? "-" : "");
+ 				AppendSeconds(cp,sec,fsec,false);
+ 				cp += strlen(cp);
+ 				cp += sprintf(cp,"S");
+ 			}
+ 			break;
  		/* compatible with postgresql 8.3 when DateStyle = 'iso' */
  			if (tm->tm_year != 0)
*** a/src/backend/utils/adt/timestamp.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/adt/timestamp.c
*** 627,632 **** interval_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
--- 627,635 ----
  						  ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf);
  	if (dterr == 0)
  		dterr = DecodeInterval(field, ftype, nf, range, &dtype, tm, &fsec);
+ 	if (dterr == DTERR_BAD_FORMAT)
+ 	    dterr = DecodeISO8601Interval(str, tm, &fsec);
  	if (dterr != 0)
  		if (dterr == DTERR_FIELD_OVERFLOW)
*** a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
--- b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
*** 1956,1963 **** psql_completion(char *text, int start, int end)
  		else if (pg_strcasecmp(prev2_wd, "IntervalStyle") == 0)
  			static const char *const my_list[] =
! 			{"postgres","postgres_verbose", "sql_standard", NULL};
  		else if (pg_strcasecmp(prev2_wd, "GEQO") == 0)
--- 1956,1962 ----
  		else if (pg_strcasecmp(prev2_wd, "IntervalStyle") == 0)
  			static const char *const my_list[] =
! 			{"postgres","postgres_verbose", "sql_standard", "iso_8601", NULL};
  		else if (pg_strcasecmp(prev2_wd, "GEQO") == 0)
*** a/src/include/miscadmin.h
--- b/src/include/miscadmin.h
*** 197,206 **** extern int	DateOrder;
--- 197,208 ----
   *   INTSTYLE_POSTGRES             Like Postgres8.3 when DateStyle = 'iso'
   *   INTSTYLE_POSTGRES_VERBOSE     Like Postgres8.3 when DateStyle = 'sql'
   *   INTSTYLE_SQL_STANDARD         SQL standard interval literals
+  *   INTSTYLE_ISO_8601             Specifies ISO-8601-basic formatted intervals
  #define INTSTYLE_POSTGRES             0
  #define INTSTYLE_SQL_STANDARD         2
+ #define INTSTYLE_ISO_8601             3
  extern int	IntervalStyle;
*** a/src/include/utils/datetime.h
--- b/src/include/utils/datetime.h
*** 292,297 **** extern int DecodeTimeOnly(char **field, int *ftype,
--- 292,300 ----
  extern int DecodeInterval(char **field, int *ftype,
  			   int nf, int range, int *dtype,
  			   struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec);
+ extern int DecodeISO8601Interval(char *str,
+ 			   struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec);
  extern void DateTimeParseError(int dterr, const char *str,
  				   const char *datatype);
*** a/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/interval.out
*** 632,634 **** SELECT  interval '1 years 2 months -3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6.789 seconds',
--- 632,663 ----
   +1-2 -3 +4:05:06.789 | -1-2 +3 -4:05:06.789
  (1 row)
+ -- test outputting iso8601 intervals
+ SET IntervalStyle to iso_8601;
+ select  interval '0'                                AS "zero",
+         interval '1-2'                              AS "a year 2 months",
+         interval '1 2:03:04'                        AS "a bit over a day",
+         interval '2:03:04.45679'                    AS "a bit over 2 hours",
+         (interval '1-2' + interval '3 4:05:06.7')   AS "all fields",
+         (interval '1-2' - interval '3 4:05:06.7')   AS "mixed sign",
+         (- interval '1-2' + interval '3 4:05:06.7') AS "negative"
+         ;
+  zero | a year 2 months | a bit over a day | a bit over 2 hours |    all fields     |      mixed sign       |      negative       
+ ------+-----------------+------------------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+---------------------
+  PT0S | P1Y2M           | P1DT2H3M4S       | PT2H3M4.45679S     | P1Y2M3DT4H5M6.70S | P1Y2M-3DT-4H-5M-6.70S | P-1Y-2M3DT4H5M6.70S
+ (1 row)
+ -- test inputting iso8601 intervals
+ SET IntervalStyle to sql_standard;
+ select  interval 'P0Y'                    AS "zero",
+         interval 'P1Y2M'                  AS "a year 2 months",
+         interval 'P1W'                    AS "a week",
+         interval 'P1DT2H3M4S'             AS "a bit over a day",
+         interval 'P1Y2M3DT4H5M6.7S'       AS "all fields",
+         interval 'P-1Y-2M-3DT-4H-5M-6.7S' AS "negative",
+         interval 'PT-0.1S'                AS "fractional second";
+  zero | a year 2 months |  a week   | a bit over a day |     all fields      |      negative       | fractional second 
+ ------+-----------------+-----------+------------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------------
+  0    | 1-2             | 7 0:00:00 | 1 2:03:04        | +1-2 +3 +4:05:06.70 | -1-2 -3 -4:05:06.70 | -0:00:00.10
+ (1 row)
*** a/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
--- b/src/test/regress/sql/interval.sql
*** 190,192 **** SELECT  interval '0'                       AS "zero",
--- 190,213 ----
  -- test a couple non-standard interval values too
  SELECT  interval '1 years 2 months -3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6.789 seconds',
          - interval '1 years 2 months -3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6.789 seconds';
+ -- test outputting iso8601 intervals
+ SET IntervalStyle to iso_8601;
+ select  interval '0'                                AS "zero",
+         interval '1-2'                              AS "a year 2 months",
+         interval '1 2:03:04'                        AS "a bit over a day",
+         interval '2:03:04.45679'                    AS "a bit over 2 hours",
+         (interval '1-2' + interval '3 4:05:06.7')   AS "all fields",
+         (interval '1-2' - interval '3 4:05:06.7')   AS "mixed sign",
+         (- interval '1-2' + interval '3 4:05:06.7') AS "negative"
+         ;
+ -- test inputting iso8601 intervals
+ SET IntervalStyle to sql_standard;
+ select  interval 'P0Y'                    AS "zero",
+         interval 'P1Y2M'                  AS "a year 2 months",
+         interval 'P1W'                    AS "a week",
+         interval 'P1DT2H3M4S'             AS "a bit over a day",
+         interval 'P1Y2M3DT4H5M6.7S'       AS "all fields",
+         interval 'P-1Y-2M-3DT-4H-5M-6.7S' AS "negative",
+         interval 'PT-0.1S'                AS "fractional second";
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