On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Josh Berkus wrote:

don't bother with os.sysconf, or make it optional and error-trap it.

Right, I've moved in that direction in the updated rev I already sent--memory is an input value, but if you leave it out it tries to guess. Just need a bit more error trapping around that I think, then I can add Windows support too. A goal I don't think is unreachable here is to give a useful middle of the road tuning on most platforms if you just run it but don't tell it anything.

In the advanced version, we'll also want to ask...

I'm pretty focused right now only on getting a simple version solidified, to keep the scope under control. Thanks for the more focused parameter suggestions. The spreadsheet version I had from you was a bit too complicated to work with, this reformulation is much easier to automate.

Because this comes up so often, we should output to a seperate file a set of sysctl.conf lines to support SysV memory, depending on OS.

Agreed, will add that to the required feature list.

BTW, I think this is still in enough flux that we really ought to make it a pgfoundry project. I don't think we'll have anything ready for 8.4 contrib.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. I'll have another rev that incorporates all your feedback done within a week. There are some pretty hairy patches still active in this final 'Fest. I think I'll have the simple version feature complete, documented, and have already done a round of polishing at least a week or two before all that work wraps up.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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