Thank you for a possible solution.

But what about the database which exists and works correctly (and conforms
all the standards from the documentation), but dump+restore sequence is
failed for it? Does it mean that pg_dump should be improved to pass
dump+restore sequence?

Besides that, for pg_dump has corresponding behaviour CONSTRAINT = FOREIGN
For CONSTRAINT = CHECK - it hasn't.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Dmitry Koterov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 3. The function a() calls any OTHER function b() from OTHER namespace (or
> > uses operators from other namespaces), but does not specify the schema
> name,
> > because it is in database search_path:
> > CREATE FUNCTION a(i integer) RETURNS boolean  AS $$
> >     PERFORM b(); -- b() is is from "nsp" schema
> >     RETURN true;
> I think your function is broken.  You might want to fix it by attaching
> a local search_path setting to it.
>                        regards, tom lane
> --
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