Andrew Chernow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On the whole I vote for #4 out of these. 

> I attached a patch for the docs.  Its documented as a NOTE to the 
> PGEventProc.

Applied, but I editorialized on the wording a bit.  Let me know if you
think this is wrong ...

                        regards, tom lane

Index: libpq.sgml
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.269
diff -c -r1.269 libpq.sgml
*** libpq.sgml  13 Nov 2008 09:45:24 -0000      1.269
--- libpq.sgml  14 Nov 2008 22:57:05 -0000
*** 5255,5260 ****
--- 5255,5273 ----
         <structname>PGconn</>.  This is because the address of the procedure
         is used as a lookup key to identify the associated instance data.
+       <caution>
+        <para>
+         On Windows, functions can have two different addresses: one visible
+         from outside a DLL and another visible from inside the DLL.  One
+         should be careful that only one of these addresses is used with
+         <application>libpq</>'s event-procedure functions, else confusion will
+         result.  The simplest rule for writing code that will work is to
+         ensure that event procedures are declared <literal>static</>.  If the
+         procedure's address must be available outside its own source file,
+         expose a separate function to return the address.
+        </para>
+       </caution>

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