On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> "Merlin Moncure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> I see your point but there's a pretty high standard for changing
>>> existing behavior in bugfix releases.
>> DISCARD ALL was specifically added in 8.3 for the purpose of
>> connection poolers to be a "big hammer" that exactly emulates a new
>> session. I'm somewhat skeptical that there are any applications using
>> it directly at all, and doubly so that they would be using it and
>> expecting advisory locks to persist.
> The fact that it is new in 8.3 definitely weakens the backwards-
> compatibility argument.  I tend to agree that it's unlikely anyone is
> really depending on this behavior yet.  You could make a case that if we
> don't backpatch now, we'd actually be *more* likely to create a problem,
> because the longer that 8.3 is out with the current behavior, the more
> likely that someone might actually come to depend on it.
> On balance I'm for back-patching, but wanted to see what others thought.

ok...i give :-)


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