On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:41 PM, Joshua D. Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are concerned about the analyze time between 10, 50 and 150, I
> would suggest that you are concerned about the wrong things. Remember

I can't rule that out.  What things do you think I should be concerned
about?  ISTM that default_statistics_target trades off ANALYZE time
and query planning time vs. the possibility of better plans.  If the
former considerations are not an issue for dst = 50, then maybe we
should emit 50 by default.  But the limited evidence that has been
published in this forum thus far doesn't support that contention.

>> > It also seems unlikely that you would hit 256MB of checkpoint segments
>> > on a 100MB database before checkpoint_timeout and if you did, you
>> > certainly did need them.
>> So why do we have this parameter at all?
> Excellent question, for a different thread :)

I think the rhetorical answer is "so that we don't fill up the disk",
which gets us back to database size.


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