column-level privileges are not honored when JOINs are involved (you
must have the necessary table-level privileges, as you do today). It
would really be great to have that working and mainly involves
modifying the rewriter to add on to the appropriate range table column
list entries the columns which are used in the joins and output from

Understood. Do you plan to work on that? Or do you think the patch
should go into 8.4 even without support for JOINs?

I tried to check the latest Column-level privileges patch.

This trouble related to JOINs is come from inappropriate handling
of rte->cols_sel list, in my opinion.
The list is constructed at scanRTEForColumn() and expandRelation().
However, scanRTEForColumn() appends an appeared attribute number
even if given RangeTblEntry is RTE_JOIN, and expandRelation() appends
all the attribute number contained within the given relation.

I think your design is basically fine, so the issue is minor one.
But it is necessary to pick up carefully what columns are really

Here is one proposition.
Is it possible to implement a walker function to pick up appeared
columns and to chain them on rte->cols_sel/cols_mod?
In this idea, columns in Query->targetList should be chained on
rte->cols_mod, and others should be chained on rte->cols_sel.

Here is an example to pick up all appeared relation:

If you don't have enough availability, I'll be able to do it within
a few days.

The attached patch is a proof of the concept.
It walks on a given query tree to append accessed columns on
rte->cols_sel and rte->cols_mod.
When aliasvar of JOIN'ed relation is accesses, its source is
appended on the list.

This patch can be applied on the latest CVS HEAD with Stephen's

Any comment?

I strongly want the Column-level privileges to be get merged
as soon as possible, so I don't spare any possible assist
for his works.


---- example of the patched Column-level privileges ----
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b text, c bool);
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t2 (x int, y text, z bool);
postgres=# GRANT SELECT(a,b) ON t1 TO ymj;
postgres=# GRANT UPDATE(a,b) ON t1 TO ymj;
postgres=# GRANT SELECT(x,y) ON t2 TO ymj;
postgres=# INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'aaa', true), (2, 'bbb', null), (3, 'ccc', 
postgres=# INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 'xxx', false), (2, 'yyy', null), (3, 
'zzz', true);
postgres=# \c - ymj
psql (8.4devel)
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "ymj".
postgres=> SELECT * FROM t1;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.a required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.b required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.c required: 0002 allowed: 0000
ERROR:  permission denied for relation t1
postgres=> SELECT a,b FROM t1;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.a required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.b required: 0002 allowed: 0002
 a |  b
 1 | aaa
 2 | bbb
 3 | ccc
(3 rows)

postgres=> SELECT x,y FROM t2;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t2.x required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t2.y required: 0002 allowed: 0002
 x |  y
 1 | xxx
 2 | yyy
 3 | zzz
(3 rows)

postgres=> SELECT b,y FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON a = x;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.b required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.a required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t2.y required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t2.x required: 0002 allowed: 0002
  b  |  y
 aaa | xxx
 bbb | yyy
 ccc | zzz
(3 rows)

postgres=> SELECT b,z FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON a = x;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.b required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.a required: 0002 allowed: 0002
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t2.z required: 0002 allowed: 0000
ERROR:  permission denied for relation t2
postgres=> UPDATE t1 SET a = 1;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.a required: 0004 allowed: 0004
postgres=> UPDATE t1 SET c = true;
NOTICE:  pg_attribute_aclmask: t1.c required: 0004 allowed: 0000
ERROR:  permission denied for relation t1

OSS Platform Development Division, NEC
KaiGai Kohei <>
Index: src/backend/parser/analyze.c
*** src/backend/parser/analyze.c	(revision 1)
--- src/backend/parser/analyze.c	(working copy)
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,33 ----
  #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
  #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
  #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
+ #include "optimizer/tlist.h"
  #include "optimizer/var.h"
  #include "parser/analyze.h"
  #include "parser/parse_agg.h"
*** 267,272 ****
--- 268,338 ----
+  * applyColumnPrivs()
+  *     construct rte->cols_sel and rte->cols_mod for Column-level
+  *     privileges.
+  */
+ static bool
+ applyColumnPrivsWalker(Node *node, ParseState *pstate)
+ {
+ 	if (!node)
+ 		return false;
+ 	if (IsA(node, Var))
+ 	{
+ 		RangeTblEntry *rte;
+ 		Var *v = (Var *) node;
+ 		int lv;
+ 		for (lv = v->varlevelsup; lv > 0; lv--)
+ 		{
+ 			Assert(pstate->parentParseState != NULL);
+ 			pstate = pstate->parentParseState;
+ 		}
+ 		rte = rt_fetch(v->varno, pstate->p_rtable);
+ 		Assert(IsA(rte, RangeTblEntry));
+ 		if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
+ 		{
+ 			rte->cols_sel = lappend_int(rte->cols_sel, v->varattno);
+ 		}
+ 		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
+ 		{
+ 			node = list_nth(rte->joinaliasvars, v->varattno - 1);
+ 			applyColumnPrivsWalker(node, pstate);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	else if (IsA(node, SortGroupClause))
+ 		return false;
+ 	return expression_tree_walker(node, applyColumnPrivsWalker, (void *) pstate);
+ }
+ static void
+ applyColumnPrivs(Query *query, ParseState *pstate)
+ {
+ 	ListCell *l;
+ 	if (query->commandType != CMD_SELECT)
+ 	{
+ 		RangeTblEntry *rte
+ 			= rt_fetch(query->resultRelation, query->rtable);
+ 		foreach (l, query->targetList)
+ 		{
+ 			TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(l);
+ 			Assert(IsA(tle, TargetEntry));
+ 			rte->cols_mod = lappend_int(rte->cols_mod, tle->resno);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	query_tree_walker(query, applyColumnPrivsWalker, (void *) pstate,
+ }
+ /*
   * transformDeleteStmt -
   *	  transforms a Delete Statement
*** 683,688 ****
--- 749,756 ----
  									locate_windowfunc((Node *) qry))));
+ 	applyColumnPrivs(qry, pstate);
  	return qry;
*** 876,881 ****
--- 944,951 ----
  		transformLockingClause(pstate, qry, (LockingClause *) lfirst(l));
+ 	applyColumnPrivs(qry, pstate);
  	return qry;
*** 1716,1721 ****
--- 1786,1793 ----
  	if (origTargetList != NULL)
  		elog(ERROR, "UPDATE target count mismatch --- internal error");
+ 	applyColumnPrivs(qry, pstate);
  	return qry;
Index: src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
*** src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c	(revision 2)
--- src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c	(working copy)
*** 479,485 ****
  			result = (Node *) make_var(pstate, rte, attnum, location);
  			/* Require read access */
  			rte->requiredPerms |= ACL_SELECT;
- 			rte->cols_sel = lappend_int(rte->cols_sel,attnum);
--- 479,484 ----
*** 508,514 ****
  				result = (Node *) make_var(pstate, rte, attnum, location);
  				/* Require read access */
  				rte->requiredPerms |= ACL_SELECT;
- 				rte->cols_sel = lappend_int(rte->cols_sel,attnum);
--- 507,512 ----
*** 1749,1762 ****
  	expandTupleDesc(rel->rd_att, rte->eref, rtindex, sublevels_up,
  					location, include_dropped,
  					colnames, colvars);
- 	for (attrno = 0; attrno < rel->rd_att->natts; attrno++)
- 	{
- 		Form_pg_attribute attr = rel->rd_att->attrs[attrno];
- 		if (!attr->attisdropped)
- 			rte->cols_sel = lappend_int(rte->cols_sel, attrno+1);
- 	}
  	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
--- 1747,1752 ----
Index: src/backend/parser/parse_target.c
*** src/backend/parser/parse_target.c	(revision 2)
--- src/backend/parser/parse_target.c	(working copy)
*** 372,378 ****
  	attrtype = attnumTypeId(rd, attrno);
  	attrtypmod = rd->rd_att->attrs[attrno - 1]->atttypmod;
- 	pstate->p_target_rangetblentry->cols_mod = lappend_int(pstate->p_target_rangetblentry->cols_mod, attrno);
  	 * If the expression is a DEFAULT placeholder, insert the attribute's
--- 372,377 ----
*** 785,791 ****
  			col->location = -1;
  			cols = lappend(cols, col);
  			*attrnos = lappend_int(*attrnos, i + 1);
- 			pstate->p_target_rangetblentry->cols_mod = lappend_int(pstate->p_target_rangetblentry->cols_mod, i + 1);
--- 784,789 ----
*** 842,848 ****
  			*attrnos = lappend_int(*attrnos, attrno);
- 			pstate->p_target_rangetblentry->cols_mod = lappend_int(pstate->p_target_rangetblentry->cols_mod, attrno);
--- 840,845 ----
Index: src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c
*** src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c	(revision 2)
--- src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c	(working copy)
*** 2291,2296 ****
--- 2291,2302 ----
+ 	elog(NOTICE, "%s: %s.%s required: %04x allowed: %04x",
+ 		 __FUNCTION__,
+ 		 NameStr(classForm->relname),
+ 		 NameStr(((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attTuple))->attname),
+ 		 mask, result);
  	/* if we have a detoasted copy, free it */
  	if (colacl && (Pointer) colacl != DatumGetPointer(colaclDatum))
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