On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> > How about we trial it, but with the understanding that bugs we fix will
> > be marked as such?
> >
> > After all, every bug is given an ID, so whomever fixes the bug with that
> > ID should also mark it off.
> >
> > Looking at the present situation, it seems we began a good idea, but
> > never really followed through with it.  Maybe it's time to.
> >
> > Philip seems to be volunteering for taking care of what's presently in
> > there, can we also ask those [HACKERS] who commit fixes to mark them
> > off?
> Can someone point me to a bug that is _not_ on the TODO list?  If not,
> what does a complete bug database do for us except list reported bugs
> and possible workarounds.

Do you actually expect someone to go thru the 400+ items in the database
and compare them to the TODO list?   Seems to me that's something the
maintainer of the TODO list would be doing.  Can you point me to the form
that  gets something on the TODO list that the average user can use?  Can
you  guarantee every bug will end up on the TODO list?  Can you point me
to the place on the TODO list when a user can look at to see if a bug has
been fixed or even reported?

You're making more of an issue with all of this than there is.  The TODO
list has a purpose, as does CVS, as do the mailing lists, as does the
regression database, as does the bugs database, as do the interactive
docs, ...

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