Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Euler Taveira de Oliveira escribió:
Alvaro Herrera escreveu:
Alvaro Herrera escribió:
I have a separate branch on which I keep the old patch from Euler
updated to the current reloptions code; so it is probably very similar
to what Euler just sent. (I'll have a look at that soon anyway.)
Huh, nevermind -- I thought that Euler had just sent an updated version
of his patch, but only now I noticed that the message I was looking at
is dated Nov. 21st.
And I did it (It is even listed in the wiki). Last version was [1]. I fixed
some problems and added some docs.
Yes, the autovacuum patch I have is loosely based on that one IIRC. (I
modified it heavily though.)
Could someone udpate the status of this item in the commitfest wiki?
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