On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 16:01 +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Updatable views is reverted.  I agree that we should reject the rest and 
> prepare a release.

BTree-GIN has been ready for committer review for quite some time. It
has been mostly-ready for much longer: the only real code change since
submission was a workaround to support numeric that I requested. It's
also a small patch, easy to review, and offers a nice benefit.

Kenneth Marshall's updated hash functions (separated mix()/final())
haven't had any code changes since Nov. 4, the code is tiny, and the
only thing we've been waiting on is proof that it doesn't hurt
randomness. Ken has put in the effort to show that. At least look at his
analysis, and see if you agree.

I think both of these deserve at least a glance by a committer before
bouncing them. There are more committers who can look at these features
than, say, Hot Standby or Sync Rep. Details on commitfest wiki for those

GIN Fast Insert is also ready for a committer review. I happen to like
this feature, and I think it is compelling for anyone using GIN (Teodor
posted some good performance results today). However, it has gone
through more code changes than the two patches above and it's more
complex, so if you think this deserves to be put off, that's
understandable. I think it would be worth a look for any committer not
on the critical path for release though.

        Jeff Davis

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