Hannu Krosing wrote:
On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 13:51 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
What I have proposed for 8.3 should not break a single case that currently
behaves usefully. If anyone has a counter-example please show it.

What I have proposed for 8.4 possibly would break current "useful" behaviour
(FSVO "useful"), but should be done anyway on correctness grounds.
I dunno, aren't XML document fragments sort of a pretty common case?

I'd rather argue that xml datatype should not even accept anything but
complete xml documents. Same as int field does not accept int[].

Or maybe we rather need separate xmldocument and xmlforest/xmlfragments
types in next releases and leave the "base" xml as it is but deprecated
due to inability to fix it without breaking backwards compatibility.

Some of the functions, including some specified in the standard, produce fragments. That's why we have the 'IS DOCUMENT' test.

You can also force validation as a document by saying SET XML OPTION DOCUMENT;



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