James Pye wrote:
sigh.. I got curious. :P

On Feb 27, 2009, at 7:19 PM, James Pye wrote:
Well, that or force the user to call it explicitly.

Attached is the patch that I used to get the results below..
This is just a proof of concept, so it's quite lacking. Notably, it doesn't even try to identify well-formed documents.

This is entirely out of the question for 8.3, as it's a significant change of behaviour.

I'd also want to see this usage blessed by some xpath guru ... I'm not sure it meets the standard's requirements, but I could be wrong.

And it seems to me much better to provide the facility as a separate function e.g. xpath_fragment() (if at all) rather than by adding on a non-standard xpath function, but that's just a first impression.

Nice piece of work, though.



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