On Feb 28, 2009, at 7:53 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
This is entirely out of the question for 8.3, as it's a significant change of behaviour.

Yep. Even with implicit prefixing, the semantics are very different.

What got me thinking about it was this:


If it's desirable to avoid prefixing, what options remain?

(At least I find it desirable to avoid prefixing =)

I'd also want to see this usage blessed by some xpath guru ... I'm not sure it meets the standard's requirements, but I could be wrong.

Oh, the context node question you raised? I think it would be easy to expect that the standard is expecting a well-formed document to query against in the first place, so I *do* think it's a very valid concern.


Curious, if we constructed an actual document fragment node from the node list and set it as the document's root, would that be enough to satisfy any requirements? It does appear to talk about nodes quite generally.

In the current case, we're shaving the corners of the square peg so it will fit in the round hole. In fragment()'s case, it seems we would be trying to circumvent the round hole altogether..

I don't really like either way. :P

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