
It seems that if you load libxml into a backend for whatever reason (say
you create a table with a column of type xml) and then create a plperlu
function that "use XML::LibXML", we get a segmentation fault.

This sequence reproduces the problem for me in 8.3:

create table xmlcrash (a xml);
insert into xmlcrash values ('<a />');
create function xmlcrash() returns void language plperlu as $$ use XML::LibXML; 

The problem is reported as

TRAP: BadArgument(«!(((context) != ((void *)0) && 
(((((Node*)((context)))->type) == T_AllocSetContext))))», Archivo: 
«/pgsql/source/83_rel/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c», Línea: 507)

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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