>>> "Jonah H. Harris" <jonah.har...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Asko Oja <asc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It really sucks what kind of mistakes you can pass to production
>> unknowingly. I would much prefer a way to prevent such nonsense.
>> Here was the case where out parameters were with same names with
>> select into field names resulting in null outcome. Just yesterday
>> we had similar case with update statement.
> Well, it's a problem with the language not parsing things correctly
> and doing, in many cases, brain-dead replacements.  I don't know of
> any developer using OUT parameters that doesn't run into this
> problem at one time or another :(
I find the PostgreSQL implementation of OUT parameters, well,
surprising.  I've used databases where stored procedures can have a
RETURN value, OUT parameters, and result streams as three discreet
things which can't be mistaken for one another -- which seems more
sensible.  Is this issue in PostgreSQL a spin-off of not having stored
procedures, and trying to shoehorn SP behavior into functions?
I suspect that a really good fix would require a new version of the
PostgreSQL protocol.

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