"Joshua D. Drake" <j...@commandprompt.com> writes:
> I think you misunderstand me. I have watched this thread very closely
> because it has specific strategic interest. For the record:

>  * This patch does scare me
>  * With great risk comes great reward

... or great failure.  My key concern is that we are setting ourselves
up for failure by accepting a patch that hasn't attracted sufficient
community interest.  This patch needs way more eyeballs on it than it
has gotten; which is not only bad in terms of the level of trust we
should have in the patch right now, but it is a very negative signal
about how much maintenance manpower it can expect in the future.

Now the entire effort on KaiGai-san's part has been founded on the
assumption that "if you build it, they will come"; and that is exactly
the same argument I hear you making for continued investment in the
project.  But the track record so far, in terms of attracting hackers
to work on the patch, says otherwise.

                        regards, tom lane

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