
Here is the second set of comments:

- pg_hba.conf: it seems to me the format has changed which may break
existing pg_hba.conf (it broke the default one of the RPM packaging).
We should make it very visible as the format hasn't changed for a
while. I suppose we'll put it at the top but I just don't want us to
forget it so I mention it here.

- "Allow recovery.conf boolean variables to take the same range of
string alues as postgresql.conf (Bruce)" -> s/alues/values/
- "Add support for Unicode sting and identifier specifications using
code points, e.g. U&'d\0061t\+000061' (Peter)"  -> s/sting/string/
- "Allow CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW to add columns to the _end_ of the
view" -> formatting problem with the underscores?
- "Previously EXPLAIN VERBOSE output an internal representation of the
query plan" -> s/output/outputs/ ?
- "Autovacuum options uses to be stored in a system table. " -> s/uses/used/ ?
- "Allows dumps to fail if unable to acquire shared table within the
specified amount of time. " -> shared lock instead of shared table?
- "Add configure option --disable-float4-byval to use the old
behavior. tgl Pass float8 and int8 by value in the server where
possible (Zoltan Boszormenyi) " -> tgl + there's a carriage return
missing (and a bullet)
- "Add -M (query mode) to /contrib/pgbench (ITAGAKI Takahiro)"
->Itagaki san's name inconsistent with other mentions of his name

I can provide a patch for all this if needed. I thought you'd prefer
validate the changes.

Really nice work and really interesting reading.



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