Josh Berkus wrote:

- a core team approved list of extensions (replacing contribs, maybe adding to it), where approved means code has been reviewed and the only reason why it's not in the core itself is that core team feels that it's not part of a RDBMS per-se, or feel like the code should be maintained and
    released separately until it gets some more field exposure... (think

The core team isn't appropriate for this. We'd start a new committee/list somewhere instead, and it would be part of the same effort which produces a "recommended" list of extensions and drivers for packagers.

Actually, I think we should be like Perl here. There is a list of standard modules that comes with the base Perl distro, and then there are addons, such as you find on CPAN. File::Find is an example of a standard module, DBD::Pg is an example of an addon.

Quite apart from anything else, having some extensions maintained by core will help in validating the extension mechanism.

Good candidates for core-supported extensions would include PL{Perl,Python,Tcl}, pgcrypto and hstore, IMNSHO. Between them they illustrate a number of the major extension paradigms.

Beyond standard extensions, I'm not sure we need a committee to "approve" extensions. Does Perl have such an animal? I'm fairly wary of creating new decision-making bureaucracies.



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