
Actually, I think we should be like Perl here. There is a list of
standard modules that comes with the base Perl distro, and then there
are addons, such as you find on CPAN. File::Find is an example of a
standard module, DBD::Pg is an example of an addon.

Actually, chromatic, Allison, etc. regard the Standard Modules as a mistake and are talking about moving away from having any for Perl 6.

On the other hand, their main reason for doing this (the issues with maintaining the included version and the CPAN version separately) wouldn't apply to us.

On the third hand, having "all modules equal, just some recommended" approach woudl make it far easier to drop a module which went unmaintained, e.g. CUBE. But some people may regard this as a misfeature.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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