just checked, and the machine has been up 14days now ... I can ssh into it
from cvs.postgresql.org, and the last cvsup connection was about 5 minutes

Sep 21 09:10:42 server1 cvsupd[50149]: +3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (fs1.olabinc.com) 
Sep 21 09:11:53 server1 cvsupd[50149]: -3 [165Kin+275Kout] Finished successfully

nslookup for it should return:

Name:    rs.postgresql.org
Aliases:  cvsup.postgresql.org

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > Okay, that is fixed ... for some reason, it didn't restart on last reboot,
> > have to watch that one ...
> Thanks for fixing it. Now of course the machine does not seem to be
> visible. That was the case yesterday too; are these planned outages, is
> it still bouncing up and down as it is configured, or is it flakey? I
> can see postgresql.org pretty consistantly, but cvsup.postgresql.org is
> not visible at the same time.
>                          - Thomas

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