I'm trying to update my cvs tree and am currently seeing the following:

Parsing supfile "postgres.cvsup"
Connecting to cvsup.postgresql.org
Cannot connect to cvsup.postgresql.org: Connection refused
Will retry at 20:15:50

Is this expected? Should cvsup.postgresql.org be answering connection
requests yet? My previous connections had been through postgresql.org
(and working for the last few years ;) but currently show

myst$ ./repsync
Parsing supfile "postgres.cvsup"
Connecting to postgresql.org
Connected to postgresql.org
Server software version: REL_16_1
Negotiating file attribute support
Exchanging collection information
Server message: Collection "pgsql" release "cvs" is not available here
Establishing multiplexed-mode data connection
Skipping collection pgsql/cvs
Shutting down connection to server
Finished successfully

So two problems on this one (which might be moot if the new machine
should be doing this instead): the CVSup version is wrong and the
cvs-pulling configuration no longer exists.

                         - Thomas

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