Fixed ... my exclude file had a rule in it that prevented odbc from being
rsync'd down ... all should be downloaded now ...

as for a 'sitemap', the server that all of this is on is meant to be
purelya 'mirror' of the central one on, except there
are no accounts on the machine for you to go looking around it with ...

as for a sitemap of the central site ... all the web related stuff is in
/usr/local/www, and cvsroot is /cvsroot ...

On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > 2) I just sync'ed via cvsup at and it deleted all
> >    under pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc/*.  It also does not seem to appear
> >    anywhere else.  What's up?
> I see this too. I blew away my repository and populated it from scratch,
> and still see the problem. In fact, the odbc directory doesn't even
> appear in (my replicated) repository at all, let alone moving to the
> attic.
> Marc, can we verify that the ODBC directory actually exists in the
> replicated cvs repository? Can we please get a site map to help us
> navigate around to help diagnose problems?
> myst$ cvsup -v
> CVSup client, non-GUI version
> Copyright 1996-2001 John D. Polstra
> Software version: SNAP_16_1d
> Protocol version: 16.1
> Operating system: LINUXLIBC6
> Report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> and the server is running
> Server software version: REL_16_1p3
> This does *not* seem to be fresh enough. JDP recommends installing
> REL_16_1e, and REL_16_1d was the first with bug fixes for the time tag
> problem. Not sure what REL_16_1p3 is, but it does not seem to be in the
> same line of fixed code (maybe a preliminary or patch release from
> sometime in the past??).
> Marc, help!! Check for details on
> the bug and FreeBSD package files which fix it.
>                        - Thomas

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