On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > Fixed ... my exclude file had a rule in it that prevented odbc from being
> > rsync'd down ... all should be downloaded now ...
> Great! Haven't tested it yet, but Otto is happy so I'm sure I'll be
> too...
> > > Server software version: REL_16_1p3
> > > This does *not* seem to be fresh enough. JDP recommends installing
> > > REL_16_1e, and REL_16_1d was the first with bug fixes for the time tag
> > > problem. Not sure what REL_16_1p3 is, but it does not seem to be in the
> > > same line of fixed code (maybe a preliminary or patch release from
> > > sometime in the past??).
> What about the server versioning issue? I see no mention of
> REL_16_1p<anything> as being safe to use. Please confirm that this is in
> fact the 16_1d or 16_1e release!!

This is what is/was latest in ports after you mentioned the problem ...
I'll check ports again over the next day or so to see if John has oploaded
something even newer ....

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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