Josh Berkus wrote:

FORCE NOT NULL is in any case a fairly blunt instrument - it doesn't
work for a column of any type that doesn't accept an empty string as
valid input, such as numeric types.

Con: this allows COPY to produce output which cannot be reloaded into PostgreSQL.

Pro: there is a lot of extremely broken external software which expects "nulls" to be expressed as "". This improves compatiblity with them.

FORCE NOT NULL is only valid when we import data, not when we export data, so what other programs expect to receive is irrelevant to any argument about FORCE NOT NULL.

AFAICT on a brief look at the patch, it doesn't affect the quoting of nulls on export, it just allows * as an alias for all columns for FORCE QUOTE (as well as FORCE NOT NULL). But FORCE QUOTE has never forced quoting of null values, only non-null values. We have never quoted null values, and I'm fairly resistant to any suggestion that we should.

As for importing data from programs that produce all values in quotes including null/missing values (your pro case above), arguably what we need is another flag that would turn an empty string into a null.



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