Laurent Laborde <> wrote: 
> What about trying to change the TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET to get a higher
> compression (by having more toasted record) ?
> I'd like to change the TOAST_TUPLES_PER_PAGE. Maybe from 4 to 8 ?
> Is that correct ? Did i missed something ?
> I did some statistics and i will have much more TOASTed record as
> most of them are between 1KB and 2KB.
It seems like it might be reasonable to have a separate threshold for
compression from that for out-of-line storage.  Since I've been in
that code recently, I would be pretty comfortable doing something
about that; but, as is so often the case, the problem will probably be
getting agreement on what would be a good change.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that "low hanging fruit" in the form of
*very* large values can be handled first, the options would seem to
(1)  Just hard-code a lower default threshold for compression than for
out-of-line storage.
(2)  Add a GUC or two to control thresholds.
(3)  Allow override of the thresholds for individual columns.
Are any of these non-controversial?  What do people like there?  What
did I miss?

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