On Monday 01 October 2001 05:07 pm, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I think we are all just scrambing to get beta ready while the server
> reconfigures itself.  :-)  I don't see any fundamental changes being
> proposed.  We are trying to plug leaks and are stepping on toes, or at
> least it looks that way sometimes.  :-)  I can yank my CVS build if it
> causes confusion once we get the main one working.

IMHO, we should have the server configuration working before going beta.  
Especially little details like documentation. :-O 

But I tend to believe that's EXACTLY what Marc meant when he said we weren't 
ready to go beta.

So, let's all please take a deep breath, count ten, and see what the server 
situation develops into.  After all, we all want the beta to go smoothly -- 
and differences in the present and past server configs are not making a 
smooth beta practical right now.  Once we work through the differences, and 
get things smooth again, Marc's hard work in upgrading the server situation 
is sure to reap benefits if we'll be patient as he works out the kinks.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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