Brendan Jurd <> writes:
> Thanks Tom.  I have removed the V1 stuff as you suggest, and placed
> the declaration in numeric.h.

> Here's version 7.

Working through this now, and I noticed that the example added to the
manual seems to be wrong:

        <entry><literal>to_char(0.000485, '9.99EEEE')</literal></entry>
        <entry><literal>' 4.850e-04'</literal></entry>

With 9.99 as the pattern, I'd expect (and indeed I get) 4.85e-04
not 4.850e-04.  This is correct behavior, no?

Also, I'm wondering what should happen with

regression=# select to_char(0.000485, '99.99EEEE');
(1 row)

Doesn't seem quite right.  Should we throw error if the number of 9's
before the decimal point isn't 1?

                        regards, tom lane

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