On Aug 24, 2009, at 9:46 PM, Robert Haas wrote:

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:15 PM, David Fetter<da...@fetter.org> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 08:02:31PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> writes:
That is a slightly alarmist.  Who are we going to lose these
users to?

Drizzle.  MySQL forks.  CouchDB.  Any database which has
replication which you don't need a professional DBA to understand.
Whether or not it works.

You haven't explained why we'd lose such folk next year when we
haven't lost them already.  MySQL has had replication (or at least
has checked off the bullet point ;-)) for years.  I'd be seriously
surprised if any of the forks will offer significantly better
replication than is there now, so the competitive situation is not
changing in that regard.

It is true that we're missing a chance to pull some folks away while
the situation on that side of the fence is so messy.  But I don't
see our situation getting worse because of that, just not getting

One possible reason that replication is more critical now than it was a year ago is the rise in cloud computing. The ability to fire up instances on demand is much more useful when some of those boxes can be database servers and those databases servers can replicate the primary database and start doing something useful. As far as I can tell this one feature alone is the one thing that makes it hard to convince people to migrate away from Mysql despite it's demonstrable inferiority in many other areas. Postgres seems to be winning mindshare as the "real" and reliable database of choice for people who are serious about their data. But for many, many businesses (many of whom are really not that serious about their data) easy to set up replication is just too big of a draw, such that you can't get them to consider anything without it.

I don't know if current postgres users are really going to switch over existing projects that were built on postgres, but for new apps running on EC2 or similar I would not be surprised to see people choosing mysql over postgres solely on this one issue. Databases scalability is becoming and issue for more and more businesses and others are filling in the gap. If postgres could combine it's current deserved reputation for having a robust feature set, standards compliance, high performance, reliability, stability, etc, with easy to use replication it would be be a slam dunk, no-brainer decision to go with postgres on just about anything.

Just my 2 cents.


P.S. I don't actually use mysql anywhere but I know many who do and replication is always the sticking point.

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