* Bill Studenmund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Packages aren't schemas. What they bring to the table is they facilitate
| making stored procedures (functions). You can have twelve different
| developers working on twenty different packages, with no fear of name
| conflicts. The package names will have to be different, so there can be
| functions with the same names in different pacakges.

Hmm. But if we had schema support can't we just package those procedures
into a schema with a given name ? Maybe my stored procedures needs some other
resources as well that should not conflict with other packages, like temp
tables or such. It then seems to me that using schemas can solve everything 
that packages do and more ?

| For the most part, I think packages and schemas are orthogonal. I'm taking
| a cue from Oracle here. Oracle considers packages to be a schema-specific
| object.

What is really the difference functionality wise of making a subschema and
package ? In both cases you deal with the namespace issues.

Gunnar Rønning - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Consultant, Polygnosis AS, http://www.polygnosis.com/

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