On 09/12/2009 03:33 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
* Mark Mielke (m...@mark.mielke.cc) wrote:
No matter what scheme PostgreSQL uses for storing the data, there can be
underlying file system limitations.
This is true, but there's a reason we only create 1GB files too.  I
wouldn't be against a scheme such as described to minimize the impact to
PG of these limitations.

Ok - but "minimizing the impact" does not necessarily mean "keep doing what we are doing, but work around the issue." One interpretation of the problem is that the problem is that PostgreSQL is trying to use too many sub-directories in the same containing directory. I would argue that the problem is that PostgreSQL requires so many sub-directories in the first place.

There are many database designs that do not require one file per database. Berkeley DB JE, for instance, treats each "database" as one root in a larger tree. The entire database is stored in one set of files, where the files are created due to database volume, not database quantity. Tables can be thought of similarly.

There are many ways PostgreSQL could work around this problem - your
suggestion of using sub-directories being one of them - but what happens
if this causes performance degradation for existing users, due to the
extra file system lookups required on every access?
Ehhh, it's likely to be cached..  Sounds like a stretch to me that this
would actually be a performance hit.  If it turns out to really be one,
we could just wait to move to subdirectories until some threshold (eg-
30k) is hit.

Cached does not eliminate the cost. It just means it doesn't have to go to disk. It still needs to traverse an additional level of the VFS tree. Sure, this is designed to be cheap - but this avoids the real cost from consideration - that of having so many subdirectories in the first place.

Another solution would be to store everything in the same file.

There is no technical requirement for PostgreSQL to separate data in databases or tables on subdirectory or file boundaries. Nothing wrong with having one or more large files that contain everything. PostgreSQL doesn't happen to do this today - but it's bothered me at times that it has so many files in the database directory - even very small tables require their own files.

In any case, I think this would be a significant architecture change for
something that sounds like a bad idea. I would expect having 32k
databases to have significant performance degradations in other ways.
Actually, I think some of the changes to remove flatfiles might improve
our performance with large numbers of databases.  I also don't see how
this would be a significant architecture change at all.  If there are
still issues that make having lots of databases slow, we might want to
look into fixing those issues rather than saying "well, just don't do

I guess I'm not seeing how using 32k tables is a sensible model. So yes, things can be done to reduce the cost - but it seems like something is wrong if this is truly a requirement. There are alternative models of storage that would not require 32k tables, that likely perform better. Although, I don't know your requirements, so perhaps I am missing something.

particular, I am thinking about having to open a file descriptor for
each of these files. What sort of database architecture requires 32k
databases or tables for the same PostgreSQL instance? Have you
considered having an additional field for your primary key and combining
several tables into one?
I've got a ton of instances that have>32K tables.  My approach is
generally to keep the number of databases low, while having lots of
schemas, but there are distinct downsides to that (specifically related
to hiding information..  something alot of people care about, but
thankfully I don't have to).

Do you agree with me that having 32k open file descriptors (or worse, open on demand file descriptors that need to be re-opened many times) is a problem?

Looking at PostgreSQL today - I don't think it's designed to scale to this. Looking at SQL today, I think I would find it difficult to justify creating a solution that requires this capability.

Honestly - it seems a bit insane. Sorry. :-) Maybe I'm just naive...


Mark Mielke<m...@mielke.cc>

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