(HTML mail to preserve formatting; let's see if it works.)

I like the new Unicode tables, but the marking of continuation lines
looks pretty horrible:

                             List of databases
     Name      │ Owner │ Encoding │ Collation │ Ctype │ Access
 pl_regression │ peter │ LATIN2   │ cs_CZ     │ cs_CZ │
 postgres      │ peter │ LATIN2   │ cs_CZ     │ cs_CZ │
 template0     │ peter │ LATIN2   │ cs_CZ     │ cs_CZ │ =c/peter
               ╷       ╷          ╷           ╷       ╎ peter=CTc/peter
 template1     │ peter │ LATIN2   │ cs_CZ     │ cs_CZ │ =c/peter
               ╷       ╷          ╷           ╷       ╎ peter=CTc/peter
(4 rows)

This looks more like a rendering mistake than something sensible, and
also it doesn't actually help the viewer to tell what lines are
continued, which was the original purpose.

On a side note, I don't really understand why the access privileges need
to be broken up over multiple lines.  There is plenty of space left on
the line.

Note that the above is close to a default setup, so that is what many
people will see by default from now on.

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