Robert Haas wrote:
> Anyhow, as Bruce pointed out on another message, in some sense we are
> getting sidetracked.  Good reviewers opting out of the system *is* a
> problem, but lack of a sufficient number of sufficiently involved
> committers is a bigger one.

I want to thank everyone for the fine discussion we are having about the
community patch review and commit process.  I am somewhat relieved that
others share the concerns I expressed earlier.

Having read the discussion and heard people's opinions, I am now
thinking that I need to get more involved in committing patches.  I used
to do a lot of that, but backed away from it when the commit fest
process started so the new system could develop on its own, without
being swayed by my involvement.  It also coincided with the start of a
heavy travel period for me and involvement in side projects, like

I am probably more able than most to adjust my schedule to devote time
to committing things.  I am not great at committing patches, but with
the help of others, I think I can help carry the load.

Ironically, I am leaving tomorrow for a trip to Japan and China, and
return on November 26 (Thanksgiving in the USA), so the bad news is I
can't help much until I return.  The good news is that I don't have any
trips scheduled after that, and trips are usually scheduled months in
advance, so it is unlikely I will be traveling much in the coming

I am thinking I need to travel less and focus on helping commit patches.
We now have a very capable world-wide group of Postgres community
speakers so my decline from the conference circuit should have little

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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