On tis, 2009-11-17 at 14:19 +0900, Itagaki Takahiro wrote:
> The attachd patch is a new proposal of the feature.
> When we found BOM at beginning of file, set "expected_encoding" to UTF8.
> Before every execusion of query, if pset.encoding is not UTF8, we check the
> query string not to contain any non-ASCII characters and throw an error if
> found. Encoding declarations are typically written only in ascii characters,
> so we can postpone encoding checking until non-ascii characters appear.
> Since the default value of expected_encoding is SQL_ASCII, that pass
> through all characters, so the patch does nothing to scripts without BOM.
> (There are no codes to set expected_encoding except BOM.)
> If client encoding is UTF8, it skips BOM and no effect to the script body.
> BOMs are skipped even if client encoding is not set to UTF8, but can throw
> an error if there are no explicit encoding declaration.

I think I could support using the presence of the BOM as a fall-back
indicator of encoding in absence of any other declaration.  It seems to
me, however, that the description above ignores the existence of
encodings other than SQL_ASCII and UTF8.

Also, when the proposed patch to set the encoding from the locale
appears, we need to make this logic more precise.  Something like:

1. set client_encoding or \encoding, otherwise
2. if BOM found, then UTF8, otherwise
3. by locale environment, otherwise
4. SQL_ASCII (= server encoding, effectively)

Also, I'm not sure if we need this logic only when we send a query.  It
might be better to do this in the lexer when we find a non-ASCII
character and we don't have a client encoding != SQL_ASCII set yet.

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