On sön, 2009-11-15 at 18:39 -0700, James Pye wrote:
> I can see how function modules might look like a half-step backwards from 
> function fragments at first, but the benefits of a *natural* initialization 
> section (the module body) was enough to convince me. The added value on the 
> PL developer's side was also compelling. Tracebacks were trivial to 
> implement, and there is no need to munge the function's source. It seemed 
> like a win all around...

The question is whether it helps the user, not the implementer.  As far
as I can tell, it just creates more typing for no benefit whatsoever.
Also, it's inconsistent with normal Python script files and with other

> AFA native typing is concerned, I think the flexibility and potential it 
> offers is useful, no? Already, plpython3 provides properties on PG's datetime 
> types to access the date_part()'s of the object.
> OTOH, for folk who primarily use the PL to access functionality in Python 
> modules(bindings), native typing may be of no direct utility as they will 
> likely need to convert anyways. (If that's your common use-case, then the 
> absence of interest in native typing is quite understandable.)

Right, if I use PL/Python, I do it because I want to use Python.  I
don't need another PostgreSQL implementation on top of Python.  The
maintenance effort required to keep those two consistent aside.

Again, I'm only one user.  But so far I haven't seen anyone else speak
up here, and clearly accepting this for inclusion will need nontrivial

> > the pain of dealing with a second implementation.
> What pain are you anticipating? Maintenance?


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