> Here's the patch to support Python >=3.1 with PL/Python.  The
> compatibility code is mostly in line with the usual 2->3 C porting
> practice and is documented inline.

I took a cursory look at this patch and, while the logic seems sound
and roughly in line with the suggested python porting procedure, I'm
not quite certain what this implies for potential future patches.

For instance, if I wanted to write a type converter for bytea -> the
python 3 byte type would the expectation be that I ensure that it
works in Python 2? Or is an ifdef that ignores it in the case of
Python 2 OK, and we can just put a note in the docs.

Also, how far back do we want to maintain 2.x compatibility? 2.0? If I
wanted to submit a patch that makes use of the list sort method, do I
need to ensure that it can either use the cmp arguments or a key

What if I wanted to implement a set returning function that made use
of an iterators next() method. Would I just put ifdefs around the code
or a preprocessor definition that defines NEXT as next() for Python
2.x and __next__() for 3.x?

I guess that my first impression is that Python broke compatibility
for a reason, and that either plpython can't evolve, or it will
quickly become impossible to maintain. That being said, I mostly buy
the maintenance arguments from the previous discussion, but if we want
to have plpython and plpython3, a bunch of defines and ifdefs does not
seem like the best way to do this.

Would a better approach be to maintain compatibility layer? ie

Then patches that apply to a python3 can be applied to plython3.c and
any changed function can be ripped out of plython_compat and moved
into plpython2.

I'm sorry to snipe from the sidelines like this. If we didn't expect
plpython to evolve then this patch seems like the correct approach,
but there is clearly some desire to expand plpython and following this
path seems like it will end in a much more painful split in the future
or a necessary rewrite.

If there is some consensus that this is the best approach, then I will
do a more comprehensive review.


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