On Nov 19, 2009, at 3:12 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> The other approach, which is what James Pye's
> new implementation proposes (as I understand it), is to convert
> PostgreSQL types into specially made Python objects, such as
> Postgres.types.record or Postgres.types.timestamp.

Convert is not a good word choice. The Datum of the parameter is stored inside 
a new Python object(that only holds a Datum). So more like "copied into Python 
memory", and associated with its respective type. Wrapped in a Python object?

One cool thing about doing it this way, is that if you just pass parameters 
forward to a prepared statement, there's no type I/O overhead. Not a huge 
performance win for common cases, but if someone were passing larger arrays 
around, it could be quite beneficial.
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