Rod Taylor wrote:
> It should be noted that there is still a limit of about 1GB if I
> remember correctly.

    You're right, there is still a practical limit on the size of
    a text field. And it's usually much lower than 1GB.

    The problem is that first, the (encoded) data has to  be  put
    completely  into  the  querystring, passed to the backend and
    buffered there entirely in memory. Then it get's parsed,  and
    the  data  copied  into  a  const  node.  After rewriting and
    planning, a  heap  tuple  is  build,  containing  the  third,
    eventually fourth in memory copy of the data. After that, the
    toaster kicks in, allocates another chunk of that size to try
    to compress the data and finally slices it up for storage.

    So the limit depends on how much swapspace you have and where
    the per process virtual memory limit of your OS is.

    In practice, sizes of up to 10 MB are no problem. So  storing
    typical MP3s works.



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# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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