Robert Haas wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Josh Berkus <> wrote:
>> Kaigai, you've said that you could get SELinux folks involved in the
>> patch review.  I think it's past time that they were; please solicit them.
> Actually, we tried that already, in a previous iteration of this
> discussion.  Someone actually materialized and commented on a few
> things.  The problem, as I remember it, was that they didn't know much
> about PostgreSQL, so we didn't get very far with it.  Unfortunately, I
> can't find the relevant email thread at the moment.

IIRC, at least a couple of the guys mentioned on the NSA's
SE-Linux page[1] participated - Joshua Brindle[2]  and Chad
Sellers[3] (in addition to Kaigai/NEC who's credited on the
NSA site as well).  Perhaps one or two others too - but with
common names it's hard to guess.

Links to the threads with Chad and Joshua below.


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