Robert Haas escreveu:
> I'm not sure whether this is a good idea or not.  Let me read the
> patch.  I'm not sure an EXPLAIN option is really an adequate
> substitute for log_statement_stats - the latter will let you get stats
> for all of your queries automatically, I believe, and might still be
> useful as a quick and dirty tool.
Why? If you want this information for all of your queries, you can always set
auto_explain.log_min_duration to 0. But if you're suggesting that we should
maintain log_statement_stats (that was not I understand from Tom's email [1]),
it's not that difficult to a change ShowBufferUsage().

> We certainly should NOT count on dtrace as a substitute for anything.
> It's not available on Windows, or all other platforms either.
But we can always count on EXPLAIN BUFFERS. Remember that some monitoring
tasks are _only_ available via DTrace.

> I still think this is a bad format.  Instead of putting "(" and ")"
> around each phrase, can't we just separate them with a "," or ";"?
We already use ( and ) to group things. I don't remember us using , or ; in
any output node. The suggested output is intuitive and similar to other nodes


  Euler Taveira de Oliveira

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