Robert Haas <> wrote:

> > Another comment is I'd like to keep <link 
> > linkend="catalog-pg-largeobject-metadata">
> > for the first <structname>pg_largeobject</structname> in each topic.
> Those two things aren't the same.  Perhaps you meant <link
> linkend="catalog-pg-largeobject">?

Oops, yes. Thank you for the correction.

We also have "8.4.x series" in the core code. Do you think we also
rewrite those messages? One of them is an use-visible message.

LargeObjectAlterOwner() : pg_largeobject.c
         * The 'lo_compat_privileges' is not checked here, because we
         * don't have any access control features in the 8.4.x series
         * or earlier release.
         * So, it is not a place we can define a compatible behavior.

    {"lo_compat_privileges", PGC_SUSET, COMPAT_OPTIONS_PREVIOUS,
        gettext_noop("Enables backward compatibility in privilege checks on 
large objects"),
        gettext_noop("When turned on, privilege checks on large objects perform 
                     "with backward compatibility as 8.4.x or earlier 

Takahiro Itagaki
NTT Open Source Software Center

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