> Is this an expected behavior? I could not see why t1 and t2 are
> showing different time resolutions...

Even stranger, this only happens on the first call to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
after starting a backend (example below), and stays that way if I just
do "select current_timestamp". Something must not be initialized quite
right, but I don't know what. Any guesses?

                        - Thomas

(backend already connected and have just dropped t1)

thomas=# create table t1 (d1 timestamp(2), d2 timestamp(2) default
thomas=# insert into t1 values (current_timestamp);
INSERT 16572 1
thomas=# select * from t1;
            d1             |            d2             
 2001-10-04 05:37:12.09+00 | 2001-10-04 05:37:12.09+00
(1 row)

thomas=# \q
myst$ psql
thomas=# insert into t1 values (current_timestamp);
INSERT 16573 1
thomas=# select * from t1;
            d1             |            d2             
 2001-10-04 05:37:12.09+00 | 2001-10-04 05:37:12.09+00
 2001-10-04 05:37:40+00    | 2001-10-04 05:37:39.72+00
(2 rows)

thomas=# insert into t1 values (current_timestamp);
INSERT 16574 1
thomas=# select * from t1;
            d1             |            d2             
 2001-10-04 05:37:12.09+00 | 2001-10-04 05:37:12.09+00
 2001-10-04 05:37:40+00    | 2001-10-04 05:37:39.72+00
 2001-10-04 05:38:08.33+00 | 2001-10-04 05:38:08.33+00
(3 rows)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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