On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Dave Page <dp...@pgadmin.org> wrote:
>> I have long spoken against making Windows a second class citizen. But I
>> don't think David is going to do that (and I'll hound him if he does). But
>> that doesn't mean it has to be fully supported from day one.
> I'm not saying it should be supported from day 1, but I think the
> initial plan will make it very difficult to add Windows support later
> without a great deal of rewriting/redesign. It's lack of forward
> planning I was objecting to.

I personally suspect that the client is not the most important part of
this project.  I think the value of CPAN is for searching, more than
auto-installing.  Personally, I never use the auto-install feature
because I always want more control than you get that way.  I just use
the site to find possible modules and browse the docs, and then if I
find something I like I check with I can pull it from the Red Hat
repos with rpm, and if not I download it and look it over to see if it
DWIW, and then if so I usually make a private SRPM for it and install
from that.  I'd be happy if we just had a good search-and-download

That having been said, we should consider our filesystem layout
carefully however to make sure that if we want to provide things like
Windows installers in the future, we have a clean way to do that.


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