> They weren't "easily identified", or we'd have found them before 8.4.0
> release.  I think the notion that 8.4.0 was much worse than previous .0
> releases is largely bogus, anyway; we've just forgotten all the bugs in
> older releases ...

It was worse than some, and better than others.

Bruce's point that the CFs do not enhance stability, however, is taken.
 The CFs were not really designed to, for that matter; the purpose of
the CFs was to primarily speed up and improve the patch
submission-and-review process.  This is orthangonal to stability, and in
addition I think the CFs have increased the number of patches committed,
which means that even if we'd reduced the number of bugs per patch, we
could still have more bugs overall.

Wider/earlier community testing on the alphas *would* enhance stability.
 However, despite publicity there just hasn't been much uptake on
testing the alphas.  I'll see what I can do during the beta period.

--Josh Berkus

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