On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 5:01 PM, David Christensen <da...@endpoint.com> wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2010, at 4:23 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 5:14 PM, David E. Wheeler <da...@kineticode.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Why would they want more? It's not MySQL, and they know that. If we give
>>> them some very minor helpful hints for the most common things they try to
>>> do, it would be a huge benefit to them. I know I've badly wanted the
>>> opposite when I've had to use MySQL, but I don't expect MySQL to implement
>>> \c for me.
>> +1.  I think this is a well-thought out proposal.  I like Tom's
>> suggestion upthread for how to handle \c.
> I've attached a second revision of this patch incorporating the various
> feedback I've received.
>> Although the deadline for patches for 8.5 has supposedly already
>> passed....
> Yeah, I realized this after I scratched my itch, and had just thought I
> would send to the list any way for after the CF; you can commit or bump as
> needed.  Patch enclosed as a context-diff attachment this time.
> Regards,
> David
> --
> David Christensen
> End Point Corporation
> da...@endpoint.com

Although I have a snowballs chance in hell to convert my coworkers to
using pg I think that this patch would make such an outcome more
likely. Please consider what a  MySQL dba does when he gets a call at
3AM that a server
) is at max-connections. I think that some helpful hints for non-pg
dba's that are using pg in some capacity are a very good idea.

Rob Wultsch

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