On 02/03/2010 02:15 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
The longer we wait before making an
incompatible change, the more people will have adjusted their code to
the new reality (or upgraded their drivers, etc.) and the fewer things
will break.

In my experience, the opposite is true, although in this case, the damage may already be done.

That is, the longer bad habits are allowed to form, the harder they are to break, and the more code is written that may be broken. People won't "upgrade" unless forced. At some point, the switch does have to be tripped.

Is now the time? I have no comment. I just don't want to see "never" be the time, and if "never" is not the time, than "now" does not seem impratical. That said, if you say we'll tell people to prepare for a change in 9.0, and enforce the change in a later release, that is fine too.


Mark Mielke<m...@mielke.cc>

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