Josh Berkus <> wrote:
> It's undeniable that auto-retry would be better from a user's
> perspective than a user-visible cancel.  So if it's *reasonable*
> to implement, I think we should be working on it.  I'm also very
> puzzled as to why nobody else wants to even discuss it; it's like
> some wierd blackout.
Well, at least for serializable transactions past the first
statement, you'd need to have the complete *logic* for the
transaction in order to do a retry.  Not that this is a bad idea --
our application framework does this automatically -- but unless you
only support this for a transaction which is wrapped up as a
function, I don't see how the database itself could handle it.  It
might be *possible* to do it outside of a single-function
transaction in a read committed transaction, but you'd have to be
careful about locks.  I remember suggesting automatic query retry
(rather than continuing in a mixed-snapshot mode) for update
conflicts in read committed mode and Tom had objections; you might
want to check the archives for that.

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