Frank Jagusch <> wrote:

> The german phone book order has the windows language setting
> de_DE_phoneb an the value 00010407 in the registry. Unfortunately I was
> not able to find a corresponding string for the LC_COLLATE setting.

I cannot find any resources for "de_DE_phoneb" in Web. What is the true
name for it? Locale names should be in <Country>_<Language>.<CodePage>
format on Windows. If you can find the counterpart name for it, you can
initialize PostgreSQL DB with the locale, and <CodePage> or UTF-8 encoding.

> Background: I moved an old application from a borland paradox database
> to postgesql. The speed gain is great but the sorting order isn't the
> usual to the user. I can't change the order by clauses of the select
> statements because they are generated by the borland database engine.

I'm afraid of "de_DE_phoneb" is an original locale implementation in your
old database. If so, PostgreSQL cannot support it because postgres depends
on locale libraries in each platform. (i.e., msvcrt on Windows)

Takahiro Itagaki
NTT Open Source Software Center

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