Frank Jagusch <> wrote:

> "de_DE_phoneb" is the name of an alternative sorting in german (only a
> few languages have alternate sorting). You may find some information
> when you search the MSDN for "de_DE_phoneb", i.e.
> These alternate sorting is supported by the OS, but I don't know how it
> is supported in the msvcrt.

Hmmm, I found "de-DE_phoneb" in MSDN:
but setlocale("de-DE_phoneb") always fails at least on my machine.

The doc says "de-DE_phoneb" is a locale name for 
Some of native Win32 APIs could accept the locale and sort-order
combination, but setlocale() in CRT seems to reject it.

So, you could use the locale if you find a setlocale-compatible name of
"de-DE_phoneb". Or, you cannot use it, unless we modify PostgreSQL to
use Win32 locale functions instead of standard libc ones -- but it is
hardly acceptable.

Takahiro Itagaki
NTT Open Source Software Center

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