Hi all,
I am new at open source project however in a user point of view I must
confess that usability is a really though issue ,even if the performance of
a database is crucial.

As to my idea for improve postgresql is ;
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/ddl-partitioning.html  in
cavetaes section is mentioned that
"The schemes shown here assume that the partition key column(s) of a row
never change, or at least do not change enough to require it to move to
another partition. An UPDATE that attempts to do that will fail because of
the CHECK constraints. If you need to handle such cases, you can put
suitable update triggers on the partition tables, but it makes management of
the structure much more complicated."

Fixing this issue will help to improve the usability of partitions since the
users do not want to deal with low-level integrity issues such as CHECK

Roughly, I can say that if we want to deal with this issue,the first
operation would be writing a trigger to check if an update operation causes
a transfer issue between partitions.Then, if it is inevitable the user
should be prompted about they are doing. Warning the system or user would
generallry causes more trouble this point we need to decide on possible
fixing ways and give more details about which choise will cause in what
results. Then, creating a temprory table before commiting something will
hellp us to conrol completeness and correctness.

I tried to give more details about what I want to do.If you anything should
be fixed in my proposal please earn me.

2010/4/8 Necati Batur <necatiba...@gmail.com>

> Benefits of Project
> Partitioning refers to splitting what is logically one large table
> into smaller physical pieces. Partitioning can provide several
> benefits:
> Query performance can be improved dramatically in certain situations,
> particularly when most of the heavily accessed rows of the table are
> in a single partition or a small number of partitions. The
> partitioning substitutes for leading columns of indexes, reducing
> index size and making it more likely that the heavily-used parts of
> the indexes fit in memory.
> When queries or updates access a large percentage of a single
> partition, performance can be improved by taking advantage of
> sequential scan of that partition instead of using an index and random
> access reads scattered across the whole table.
> Bulk loads and deletes can be accomplished by adding or removing
> partitions, if that requirement is planned into the partitioning
> design. ALTER TABLE is far faster than a bulk operation. It also
> entirely avoids the VACUUM overhead caused by a bulk DELETE.
> Seldom-used data can be migrated to cheaper and slower storage media.
> Delivarables
> *The trigger based operations can be done automatically
> *The stored procedures can help us to do some functionalities like
> check constraint problem
> *manual VACUUM or ANALYZE commands can be handled by using triggers
> DBMS SQL can help to provide faster executions
> *Some more functionalities can be added to UPDATE operations to make
> administrations easy
> Timeline (not exact but most probably)
> Start at june 7 and End around 7 september
> *Warm up to environment to Postgresql(1-2 weeks)
> *Determine exact operations to be addded on postgresql
> *Initial coding as to workbreakdown structure
> *Start implementing on distributed environment to check inital functions
> work
> *Write test cases for code
> *Further implementation to support full functionalities on ideas
> *Write it to discussion site and collect feedbacks
> *More support upon feedbacks
> *Last tests and documentation of final operations
> About me
> I am a senior student at computer engineering at iztech in turkey. My
> areas of inetrests are information management, OOP(Object Oriented
> Programming) and currently bioinformatics. I have been working with a
> Asistan Professor(Jens Allmer) in molecular biology genetics
> department for one year.Firstly, we worked on a protein database 2DB
> and we presented the project in HIBIT09 organization. The Project  was
> “Database management system independence by amending 2DB with a
> database access layer”. Currently, I am working on another project
> (Kerb) as my senior project which is a general sqeuential task
> management system intend to reduce the errors and increase time saving
> in biological experiments. We will present this project in HIBIT2010
> too. Moreover,I am good at data structures and implementations on C.
> Contact: e-mails; necatiba...@gmail.com , necati_ba...@hotmail.com(msn)

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